For updated versions and additional information, please see http://www.planetquake.com/powerball


How to Play Powerball
Keys to Bind
Teamplay Console Variable
Powerball Team

How to play Powerball

The aim of Powerball is to have more points than the other team. You can do this by scoring points in the oppositions goal (the one with their colors all around it).


You get 10 points for your team if you score a goal by running into the goal with the Powerball or 5 points if you throw the ball into the goal.  In the default mode, personal frags do not count against the team score. There are two scores at the top of the deathmatch scoreboard which represent the total score for each team.

Keys to Bind

In many of these mods you will be required to bind keys to various game commands that were not included in the original Quake II. To bind a key to a command you will need to do the following:

  1. Run the mod that you wish to play.
  2. Press the tilde ( ~ ) key to pull down the Quake II console.
  3. At the console type, bind (key that you want to use) "(action for that key)"
    Example: Binding "J" key to Jump (if typed into the console) would be:   bind j "+moveup"
                   Binding "Space Bar" to Jump (if typed into the console would be:  bind space "+moveup"

Bind the following to keys that are comfortable for you to use:
    cmd throw         (Throws the ball)
    cmd throworb    (Throws the orbs)
    say_team            (to talk to your team only)
    whereis               (displays a text message with the location of the ball)


Orbs are special Powerups made famous in Powerball for
Classic Quake... their abilities are...

Air: Gives a boost to your jumping ability; no fall damage
Fire: Doubles your Damage
Earth: Half Damage done to you
Water: Unlimited Rebreather and faster swimming
Shadow: Partial Invisibility


Current maps are:
pb1 = Powerbase2 by Brian "EvilBastard" Collins
pb2 = Powerball: Two Shades of Pain by Shmitz
pb3 = Powerball: Waiting for the Rains by Shimtz
pb4 = Powerball Warfare by Tetsuo
pb5 = Dr. Frag's Powerball Arena by Dr. Frag

More maps are in the works. If you want to create a map
feel free! If its good enough we will include it
(at the moment this means anything will go in :-)
Go to mapents.txt for the entity information.

Teamplay console variable

There are different values for teamplay:
0 - Can't hurt other team members but can hurt self (recommended mode)
1 - Can't hurt other team members or self at all!
2 - Can hurt everyone

Advanced server ops can use Powerball Server Flags, found in the Technical Information (techinfo.txt in the pb2 directory).

Powerball Team


Kick Ass Coding - James "Skull" Bielby (james@bielby.u-net.com)
Fcuking Excellent Art - Brian "Evilbastard" Collins (brian@zono.com)
Amazing Web page,Support and Distribution Shit - Josh "^Dante^" Dalcher (dalchrc@heart.net)
Sound Guru - Nate "Dorkass" Kozloski

Many thanks go to LM_Jormungard (mike@ictv.com) for the basic teamplay stuff.