For updated versions and additional information, please see


How to play
Different Game Types
Client Commands
Server Variables and Options
Preset Weapon and Ammo Configurations
Map Cycling and Server kick.
Server tips and suggestions
How to make your own Q2 KICK maps
Misc Notes


KICK is a team based mod for quake2 similar to soccer. The object of the game is to kick the ball into the goal. There are three modes of play. Weapons are allowed. There's also a team deathmatch mode just in case you don't like kicking balls around.


Four cool arena style maps.
Scoreboards in the map to show score.
Three fun modes of play.
Ability for servers to cycle maps with different configuration settings.
Two different ball types included.
Ability to use custom ball models.
TONS of server options such as:

Team Deathmatch mode! You can play regular team deathmatch on any quake 2 map. Great for clan matches.
Players wear helmets and hats
Helmets and hats can be knocked off.
Ability to play custom .wav sounds from your player to others around you.
No keys to bind. Jump right in and play!
Not another CTF hack

How to play

Joining teams:  First, you must join a team.  Press TAB to enter the menu selection.  You can either join Blue or Orange teams.  You can also be a spectator and just watch in the stands.
Spectators also have the option of changing to freecam mode by pressing the fire button.
You may also type 'team orange' or 'team blue' in console to change teams.

Kicking the ball:  There are no keys to bind in order to kick a ball.  All you do is run up to the ball and it will be kicked in the direction you are facing.   The balls will also be kicked in the direction of your pitch angle (up/down).   So if you look up, the ball will be kicked upwards.  Mouselook is highly recommended.

Different Game Types

Gametypes are set by the server with the 'kck_gametype #' cvar.
Gametype 1: Fragball - If you kill a player from the other team, a ball will be created in the color of the opposing team. To score, you must then kick your opponents' colored balls into their goals.

Gametype 2: Battleball - One neutral ball will be created and both teams must battle to score it in each others goals. A twenty second countdown will begin to start the game when both teams have players.

Gametype 3: Kickball - Same as gametype 2 except weapons will not harm any players. You can still however fire your weapons to affect the ball.

Gametype 4: Team Deathmatch - Deathmatch as teams. All frags will be part of the team's total score. Scoreboards will display team totals!


There are four maps included in this mod.
KICK1 - small outdoor arena
KICK2 - slightly larger indoor arena
KICK3 - another small arena
KICK4 - yet another small arena

All of these maps have team rooms where players will start after respawn. Other team members are not allowed to open the doors or to enter the rooms of their opponents. If an opposing player attempts to enter, he/she will be automatically respawned outside.

The same goes for the balls. Any ball that accidentally enters any team's room will be respawned back in play.

Client Commands

id - Display's the player's name you're looking at.
saysound <sound> - Plays any .wav file from player in kick\sound directory. Please note, other players must have the same .wav in their directories to hear the sound.
You don't have to type '.wav' at the end of the command.

Server Variables and Options

These can be set in command line, console, or kick.ini (see below).
kck_gametype 1 (2, 3, or 4)
Sets the gametype. (see above)
Default: 1.
kck_scorelimit #
Score limit of team goals before level ends.
Default: 0 (no score limit).
ball_time #
Amount of time a ball lives before it disappears(in gametype 1).
Default: 45 (seconds)
balltype 1 (or 2)
Ball model to use. Valid balltypes are 1 and 2. Ball 1 is the normal ball while ball 2 uses player head models as balls.
You  may also use your own custom ball models by typing 'balltype <name of ball model dir>'. Your custom ball model must be in kick\models\ directory.
For example, if you wanted to use a cocomonkey model as a game ball then you'd copy the model into a new directory such as in kick\models\cmonkey. Then you'd configure your server with 'balltype cmonkey'. Note, the clients must have the same model in their directories to see the new ball model.
If you'd like to create your own ball model then just look at the ball .md2 models as examples.
kick_body 0 (or 1)
Allows dead bodies to be kicked.
Default: 0.
kick_player 0 (or 1)
Kick live players around. Not recommended unless you want total chaos.
Defalut: 0
biggib 1 (or 0)
Creates big gibs of arms and legs if player is gibbed.
Default: 1.
droppack 1 (or 0)
Instead of dropping weapons when a player dies, a normal quake2 ammo pack will be dropped instead.
Default: 1
killbonus 1 (or 0)
If set to 1, the player will be awarded 100 health if he frags someone.
Default: 1
goalbonus 1 (or 0)
If set to 1, the player will be awarded 100 health and 50 armor if he scores a goal.
Default: 1
noammo 0 (or 1)
Removes all ammo items from map. (useful if preset weapon and ammo are defined by the server (see below).
Default: 0
motd filename.txt
Displays given welcome message at beginning of level.
Default: "welcome.txt"
int_music sound.wav
Plays given .wav sound during level intermission..
Default: "" (none)
goalsound sound.wav
Plays the given .wav sound when a goal is scored. Be sure to use the forward slash '/' for pathnames instead of the backslash.
Default: "" (none)
invis_spect 0 (or 1)
Makes spectators invisible.
Default: 0
mute_voice 0 (or 1)
Disables the player's 'saysound' command.
Default: 0

Preset Weapon and Ammo Configurations

By default, the weapons, ammo, and armor must be grabbed by the players where those items are placed in the map. You can, however, give predetermined weapons, ammo, and armor to the players when they enter the game and after respawn. Here are the console variables to control each item:
If you wish to start each player with a rocket launcher with 35 rockets,you would then enter:
w_rocketlauncher 35

Also, if you pregive a weapon, that weapon will be removed from the map. You may also choose to use the 'noammo' console variable to remove all ammo from the map.

And if for some reason, you'd like to remove a specific weapon from themap, you may enter:
w_rocketlauncher -1 and all rocket launchers will disappear.

Map Cycling and Server kick.ini

To make life easier, you can cycle maps and change server settings by modifying the 'kick.ini' file in the 'kick' directory. Each console command or variable under each map name will be executed when that map is loaded. That way you can configure each map any way you want.

Also, the first map in the .ini will not load automatically so you must always launch your server with a +map like:
quake2 +set game kick +set dedicated 1 +map kick1

Server tips and suggestions

Some maps work better with certain gametypes. You may also cycle the same maps again but with different gametypes or different settings to add more variety to your games. Remember, you can also change the motd text file for each map load. All changes should be set in kick.ini for your convenience.

If you hate kicking balls but love deathmatch then why not run KICK as a Team Deathmatch only server and cycle quake2 dm maps instead?

You can put together or make your own sound packs with wav files that players to use to taunt/cheer each other. Don't forget the goal score and intermission sounds too.

How to make your own Q2 KICK maps

Basically, all you have to do is make the surface of any brush a 'goal1' or 'goal2' texture and it will become a goal. Goa1 is team blue's goal, and goal2 is team orange's goal.  A ball is scored if the it's directly over the texture. It doesn't have to touch the texture or the brush.

Use info_player_team1 and info_player_team2 for team start positions. If a player dies, they will respawn at there also. info_spectator_start is used for spectator start positions. Spectators should be given an area to stay without interfering with the game.

If there are no info_spectator_start positions in a map, info_deathmatch_start will be used instead. However, spectators who spawn from info_deathmatch_start will not be physically present. (They will be in freecam mode only.)

If you want to make a door not accessible by the other team, just add the key : team_owned # to your door entity. # is 1 or 2 where 1 = blue and 2 = orange. That means if team_owned = 1 then only blue team players can open the door.

These are model entities. Just place them anywhere in your map. See entities below.

/*QUAKED info_player_team1 (1 0 0) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 -16) team1 start spawn points
/*QUAKED info_player_team2 (1 0 0) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 -16) team2 start spawn points
/*QUAKED info_spectator_start (1 0 0) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 -16) spectator start points
/*QUAKED scoreboard_team1_digit1 (1 0 0) (-13 -24 -37) (13 24 37) team1 scoreboard digit1 (the tens digit) use angles
/*QUAKED scoreboard_team1_digit2 (1 0 0) (-13 -24 -37) (13 24 37) team1 scoreboard digit2 (the ones digit) use angles
/*QUAKED scoreboard_team2_digit1 (1 0 0) (-13 -24 -37) (13 24 37) team2 scoreboard digit1 (the tens digit) use angles
/*QUAKED scoreboard_team2_digit2 (1 0 0) (-13 -24 -37) (13 24 37) team2 scoreboard digit2 (the ones digit) use angles
/*QUAKED info_ball_start (1 0 0) (-32 -32 -32) (32 32 32) ball starts and spawns here in Gametype 2 and 3
/*QUAKED info_ball_return (1 0 0) (-32 -32 -32) (32 32 32) ball returns to nearest info_ball_return spot if it goes out of bounds
/*QUAKED team1_boundary (.5 .5 .5) ? team1 boundary all balls that touch this will respawn at nearest info_ball_return

Any player from the other team touching this will also respawn there too.
/*QUAKED team2_boundary (.5 .5 .5) ? team2 boundary all balls that touch this will respawn at nearest info_ball_return
Any player from the other team touching this will also respawn there too.
/*QUAKED kill_ball (.5 .5 .5) ? Ball will die if it touches this.
In gametype 1, the ball will permanently die.
In gametype 2 or 3, the ball will just respawn back at info_ball_start

Misc Notes

Make sure, if you're designing a map to be played with gametype 2 or 3, to have no places where the ball might get stuck. Fortunately, the ball is usually configured to expire if it's not touched after a certain amount of time. If there is any lava or stuff then use 'kill_ball' brush ent. Teleport destinations do not have those ugly pads underneath. Feel free to teleport someone to mid air.


Doyoon Kim (GreenMachine) - programming, maps, models, skins, graphics    email:
Additional maps by:    Jon Renner - KICK3 map and some sounds  email:
MangledMan - KICK4 map. Visit Twisted Matrix at
Many thanks to id, QDevels web site, and Zoid's ctfsource for lots of info.
Special thanks to ThulsaD00M.